Theophanies East and West: A Lecture by Fr Bogdan Bucur
We hosted Fr Bogdan Bucur this past weekend. Coming up next is our interdisciplinary panel on the mystical traditions of East and West.
Theophanies East and West: A Lecture by Fr Bogdan Bucur
Announcing the 2023 Fall Lecture
The Mother of God in Middle Byzantine Exegesis, Hagiography, and Homiletics: A Round Table
The Nativity in the Life of the Virgin
Video from the Symposium on St John of Damascus
Program of the 2022 Symposium on St John of Damascus
CHRIST IS RISEN! Χριστὸς Ἀνέστη!
Program for the 2022 Colloquium on the Mystagogy of St Maximos the Confessor
In Memoriam: Sr Nonna Verna Harrison (1953-2022)
Fr. Maximos Constas named new Director of the Pappas Patristic Institute
The New Website of the Pappas Patristic Institute
Administrative Board Appointed
A Legacy of Patristic Scholarship