Open Theology is an international Open Access, peer-reviewed academic journal from De Gruyter that features contributions written in English addressing religion in its various forms and aspects: historical, theological, sociological, psychological, etc. The journal encompasses all major disciplines of Theology and Religious Studies, presenting doctrine, history, organization, and the everyday life of various types of religious groups and the relations between them. Open Theology publishes articles in the areas of Theology, Philosophy, Sociology, the Psychology of Religion, and the dialogue between Religion and Science.
The most recent volume of Open Theology - volume 7.1 (2021) - features a thematic collection of articles on "The Reception of the Biblical and Patristic Heritage: Case Studies and Reflections on Theory and Method," edited by Miriam de Cock. Miriam de Cock is a postdoctoral fellow in Early Christianity and Theology at Aarhus University. The issue features contributions from Carl Vennerstrom, Martina Vercesi, Anna-Liisa Rafael, Sara Contini, Taylor Ross, Katarina Pålsson, Christian Thrue Djurslev, Carmen Cvetković, Maria Fallica, and Valeria Dessy.
Miriam De Cock Pages: 626-630
“To Those Who Have Ears to Hear:” Clement of Alexandria on the Parables of Jesus
Carl Vennerstrom
Pages: 354-367
Intimations of Revelation 19–21 in the Early North African Christian Communities
Martina Vercesi
Pages: 413-425
Origen and the Story of the Mother and Her Seven Sons: Reimagining Third-Century Caesarean Horizons
Anna-Liisa Rafael
Pages: 555-573
‘You Are Gods’ (Ps 81:6): Jerome and the Legacy of Origen’s Anthropology
Sara Contini
Pages: 224-237
Cultivation as Immanent Critique: Horticultural Metaphors in Gregory of Nyssa’s Reception of Origen and Basil
Taylor Ross
Pages: 388-400
Reception through Polemics: The Internalization of Theological Otherness in Jerome’s Heresiology
Katarina Pålsson
Pages: 574-589
Theodoret of Cyrus and His Exegetical Predecessors: A Study of His Biblical Commentary Prefaces
Miriam De Cock
Pages: 445-460
Hrabanus Maurus’ Post-Patristic Renovation of 1 Maccabees 1:1–8 Christian Thrue Djurslev Pages: 271-288
Conflict and Authority: William of Saint-Thierry and Peter Abelard as Readers of Origen
Carmen Angela Cvetković
Pages: 531-554
An Anglo-Syrian Monk: John Wesley's Reception of Pseudo-Macarius
Maria Fallica
Pages: 491-500
The Authority of the Bible and the Church Fathers in Adolf von Harnack’s Thought Valeria Dessy Pages: 317-330
The issue, like the journal more generally, is entirely open access and can be viewed by anyone without a subscription of any kind. Check it out by clicking the titles above, or click here.